About Me

I was named after Axl Rose, because my daddy is a huge Guns ‘n Roses fan.  Once him and my mommy knew I was going to be a girl, my name became Alexa-Rose. Most of my friends call me Alexa, Lexa or Lexi.

I was born into this crazy world in Toronto, Canada, but I’m setting my sights on conquering the whole world at some point. I’m still young, so give me a little time to spread my wings. It’s not a matter of IF, but more WHEN you hear about me.

I graduated from liking the Wiggles and Peppa Pig (I have to admit I still like Elsa and Anna) to dinosaurs and superheroes. I really like Spider-Man, and my dad showed me the introduction to the old cartoons, and I have to say that I’m hooked. I showed him the video to “Welcome to the Web” and he had to admit that song and video are pretty cool also.

Our neighbors have talked about seeing a Spider-Girl swinging near my house, but I was told that with great power comes great responsibility, so my lips are sealed. Just know that I can climb a tree like nobody else, and you would definitely want me around if you run into the bad guys.

My future is bright, and I plan on conquering everything from acting to singing and dancing, and I also love police work, fire fighters, doctors and even paleontologists. My daddy and mommy are both artists, but they support whatever I want to do. And, to be honest, for now all I want to do is to play and be happy. Running around the park and keeping a big smile on my face are tops on my priority list.

Everybody should feel like a kid. I might as well enjoy this time while I can. Pretty soon it’s all decisions. My only decision right now is whether to walk or run while I move one foot forward at a time. Try catch me. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.



Alexa-Rose Bharti

Your (alleged) friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl